ENS Customer Profiling Tool
The Eighty20 National Segmentation (ENS) Customer Profiling Tool, while protecting customer privacy and data protection, enables the most comprehensive view of South African adults. Using statistical techniques to overlay diverse datasets, including bureau, national and regional surveys, over 1,000 variables are mapped to each consumer. Your consumers are mapped to one of 1,500 micro-segments, 48 sub-segments and 8 segments using either SA ID, mobile number or key variables such as age, income and gender.
Download our ENS Customer Profiling Tool – Presentation
View a Demo of the ENS Customer Profiling Tool – Dashboard
The problem
- Businesses spend significant money on internal analysis, customer research and external market research to better understand their market and customers
- Often the internal and external views of the customer are separate
- Executives and execution teams use different segmentations or don’t use them well to guide strategy or operations
- This understanding is often incomplete, scattered throughout the organisation, and does not build on itself over time
- Key customer characteristics are missing, or profiles are one dimensional or too aggregated to be useful
- It is difficult to track the performance of the business against these segmentations
- Internal and bureau data on its own is not sufficient to build effective data science models to attract, retain and grow customers.
The Solution
- Eighty20, in partnership with Xpert Decision Systems (XDS), has triangulated data from a number of datasets, including the XDS credit bureau data, to build an enriched view of South African consumers.
- This dataset consists of over 1500 micro-segments used to profile all South Africa adults (15 years and older), providing insight into customers’ digital, psychographic, demographic and credit characteristics, among others
- The ENS uses statistical methods to create customer segments and sub-segments from this enriched dataset. This solution also enables bespoke sector or company-specific segmentations to be created, catering for unique behavioural nuances
- Through Eighty20’s partnership with XDS, the ENS can be linked to individual customers based on SA ID, mobile number or defining variables in a compliant manner. This enables users to see their customer penetration into the relevant segments.
- The ENS can be mapped geo-spatially, giving a suburb view of a client’s customers and segments
The Base ENS offering is delivered in 4 parts:
Online Interactive Dashboard
Online interactive dashboard, showing your customers penetration into each segment and sub-segment
View a Demo of the ENS Customer Profiling Tool – Dashboard
Detailed personas for each segment:
Illustrative portraits describing each segment
Segmentation Dictionary
Segmentation dictionary outlining consumer behaviour across over 3,000 variables
Your customers mapped to segment and sub-segment:
POPIA complaint mapping can be done using SA ID, mobile number or key variables such as age, income and gender
In addition to the Base Offering, Eighty20 can:
- Provide the mapping to the 1,500 micro-segments to enable accurate targeting of customers
- Map your customers to your own internal segmentation or brand categories
- Profile every South African suburb to better inform your geo-spatial strategy, including store merchandising and location
- Our additional range of consulting services can assist you in extracting maximum value from the ENS:
- Bespoke Segmentation: A bespoke segmentation can be built using ENS and/ or your internal data
- Campaign Targeting: Campaign design, execution and measurement based on ENS and internal data
- Primary Research: Answer additional questions by augmenting with primary research
- Customer Analytics: Advanced data science models to provide predictive or prescriptive recommendations
The ENS’s 8 main segments are:

Mass Credit Market
This is the employed, lower middle class, mostly female, some 82% of whom have retail store accounts and 1/5th who have credit cards.

Humble Elders
Low income, older grant recipients (the highest average age of all segments), with very little media or credit consumption. The lost apartheid generation.

Students and Scholars
The youth of the nation, with little to no income, no credit beyond retail and no assets. Sub-segments include Future Heavy Hitters, and the Lost Youth.

Comfortable Retirees
Older, high income credit active and asset rich ex professionals and middle class consumers.

Heavy Hitters
This is the wealthiest 5% of the population, more assets than any other segment, mostly male, high internet penetration and lots of shopping. Their current debt load is more than 7 times that of the Middle Class Workers segment.

Mothers of the Nation
Low income, female grant recipients, mainly unemployed or underemployed. These are the domestic workers and clerks of our country.

Hustling Males
Mostly male, average age 34, low income, very little credit (not even retail credit) and high unemployment. Although fed the promise of the new South Africa, this has not been realised due to poor schooling, skills or training.

Middle Class Workers
The 4.1m middle income, credit active population with families, mortgages and frequent shopping trips.